Ice Age Floods – Indoor Exhibit
Coming Soon!
Indoor exhibit opens, complementing the Ravalli County Museum’s Glacial Lake Missoula exhibit recently installed on the museum grounds. The indoors exhibit focuses on what happened in the Bitterroot Valley during the Ice Age.

Ice Age Floods – Opens in summer, 2020 Outside, on the Museum’s grounds
Did you know there were floods at the end of the last ice age and that we can see the marks they left, right here in the Bitter Root Valley? This summer, come explore the evidence at Ravalli County Museum’s Ice Age Floods exhibit!
Quilts; a time-honored home-staple that tell a story through layers of fabric. Opening night will include an authentic “Bed Turning”.Layers of quilts are placed on a bed, then turned. As each quilt is turned and held up for the audience, the quilt is described with the date and story of the piece.

Faces of Montana – Opens in 2021
Featured in the Courtroom Gallery
This exhibit will feature some of the most famous people of Montana’s past, including Father Ravalli, Chief Joseph, Mary Ronan, Poker Joe, Henry Grant, Jeannette Rankin, and Granville Stuart. We will also be highlighting some of our local folks! See how these personalities created the Montana we know today.

“Tools of the Trade” Exhibit
Featured in the Gray Gallery
The Crons have been collecting tools most of their lives and have amassed over 250 striking and absorbing examples of the myriad and diverse tools that can fit every necessary function.
View the collection, the remarkable art that is represented by these finely crafted implements, utensils, riggings, and yes, tools.

Bitterroot Secret Garden Exhibit
Featured on Facebook!
This exhibit showcases the work of local artists who have joined us in a friendly competition. Congratulations to Courtney Neuschwander for her piece titled, “Looking Out From the Secret Garden” and to Steve Wilson for his piece titled, “Wheelbarrow.”
This exhibit is sponsored by Montana Bliss Artworks.