The Ravalli County Museum, located in Hamilton, Montana, houses unique historical collections. Historical exhibits constitute the majority of our focus. We display elements of the indigenous people’s heritage through the establishment of Montana’s first white settlement. The Museum is a repository for the Bitter Root Valley’s artifacts, collections, archives and oral histories.
The Museum resides in the Ravalli County Courthouse, designed by A.J. Gibson and built in 1900. It is significant symbolically and historically as it was the hub of civic and community activities and has remained so for over 115 years.
The Museum has diverse offerings; from signature cultural heritage events such as the Annual McIntosh Apple Day and Cider Night Festival, to Bitter Root Day which celebrates the current residents of Ravalli County and the living culture of the Salish people, whose homeland is the Bitter Root Valley. Along with our connections to the scholastic community we offer lifelong learning programs which link us to our history through our permanent collections. We feature rotating exhibitions year round.
Two thirds of Ravalli County Museum’s operational costs are funded through events, grants, donations, and memberships. The remaining one third of operational costs is funded through a 1 mill levy.
Your support through membership, donations and sponsorship is greatly appreciated.